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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Other than our anniversary, not much happened with TMI (Thomas Mullins Incorporated) today.  That's a praise, really! 

Naturally, I would have never chosen to spend an anniversary at The Med, but I am just so glad to have a husband to spend it with that it really didn't matter at all where it was.  Can I please tell you that, he had a home made card waiting on me when I got there today!  He was sitting up in his chair waiting to hand it to me!  One of us doesn't deserve the other one, but I'll let you draw your own conclusions! :)

I think because we've been blessed with fairly steady improvements, I've become so much more aware of those around us that aren't.  Tonight, we were witness to another family experiencing a loss.  It is just so horrible and heart wrenching.  I want to run TO them and AWAY from them at the same time.  I want to comfort them but then you feel if you could just get away then it might not happen to you... like its contagious.  What do you do?  I watched this wife/mother being led, essentially carried, out by family... the chaplain following her.  Almost at the same time I say, "Thank you God that is not me..." and "Please God don't let that be me..."  I refuse to let fear get a grip but its a big fight.  That's a prayer request, really. 

Thomas was more like Thomas today than he's been yet.  Its obvious he has had determination from the start but, today he was able to really put words to it.  He has a 'plan' in place now so all feels a little more right with his world! 

We've still got a bit ahead of us, but, it could be so much worse.  This could have been a really tragic and sad anniversary, but God saved that from happening.  As Andre Crouch, my sister in law Beverly, Thomas and I say... "To God Be The Glory"!  (see previous post)

Thank you for reading this and for your prayers.  I am so thankful and so humbled...

HIOTT, jcm


  1. Glad Thomas was more like himself yesterday.I'd take that as a GREAT Anniversary present! I am sure that GREAT Auburn WIN over LSU had a little to do with it,too! (smile!)Warrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Eagle!

    We all LOVE this blog! Keep the updates coming!

    Suzanne and Brad

  2. Amen is the only word I can come up with right now that says it all. And to think he had a hand made anniversary card ready for you is so precious....and the most beautiful one you have received in the 17 years of marriage. Julie, all of you are in our prayers and hardly out of our thoughts. I know that beautiful smile of yours gets bigger each time you walk in his room.
    Love to you all.....
