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Saturday, January 15, 2011

should I, should I not....

Lately, I have been undecided if I should update the blog or not.  Us, ad nauseum? :)  Hypothetically speaking of course, not a poll! :) 

Occasionally, though, things happen or cross my mind that I think would be good information to share.  There are many of you, FOT (Friends Of Thomas), out there and I love how much you all love him, care about whats going on, I know you want to follow his progress and I love that too! So, here I am updating... gladly. 

In the few weeks that T has had his brace, I have seen him really push the limits... all in the quest to walk again.  The last visit he had to his therapist, Sandy, she worked him over!  I was sitting on a stool watching him thinking, as I so often do, of a movie quote (either that or a song).  This time it was a quote from "My Best Friends Wedding".  Did you see it?  Cute.  This particular quote was from Julia Roberts.  She was at a baseball game with her bff who was getting ready to marry Cameron Diaz. 

So,as I sat watching Thomas, bolstered with brace and crutches, do all these new "moves" at Sandy's command,  this was the quote that crossed my mind...

I could not believe I found that on YouTube knew it was a sign that I had to blog it! :) Cause his new moves were certainly ones I had not seen!  They were great, too.   

T is doing so well.  He still has healing to do and he is still unable to walk without two crutches... but, if you had seen him when he first came home from the hospital ... when getting himself from our bedroom to the sofa was a day's work, his progress is amazing!  Now, he can sit without his leg propped up  for more than an hour at a time.  He trys to do as much as he can unassisted and that list grows all the time. 

As I type this entry, he is getting beat in playing chess with Reed.  It's one of those things that I realize is precious and I am so thankful for it.  Reed Mullins loves, loves, loves his Dad.  They look an awful lot alike and the bond is even deeper than that. 

There are specifics on our prayer list.  They are that our children would remain stress free in this situation,  that T could soon get a good/complete night's sleep, that he heals completely soon and requires no more surgeries, that we make Godly and wise decisions as we deal with the details of all that has happened to him.

Our praises out weigh that list. 

We have seen God's hand move not only in our life, but in that of our whole community.  One such thing was this past week when I attended a bible study at the encouragement of a treasured friend.  I didn't even know the name of the study before we arrived ... it is "A Life Interrupted..." and the study of Jonah.  Hmmmm.  Do you think I arrived at that class by accident?  Nope. 

What I know I should do... and I will do, blog wise,  is that series of tribute entries.  I hope to get to that soon.

Until then, thank you for caring about my family.  I hope you are blessed by what God has done in all this.  He has used Thomas and what he has been through to show His power and His grace.  I pray that everyone who follows it finds a blessing, a source of peace, a renewed faith...
