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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Other than our anniversary, not much happened with TMI (Thomas Mullins Incorporated) today.  That's a praise, really! 

Naturally, I would have never chosen to spend an anniversary at The Med, but I am just so glad to have a husband to spend it with that it really didn't matter at all where it was.  Can I please tell you that, he had a home made card waiting on me when I got there today!  He was sitting up in his chair waiting to hand it to me!  One of us doesn't deserve the other one, but I'll let you draw your own conclusions! :)

I think because we've been blessed with fairly steady improvements, I've become so much more aware of those around us that aren't.  Tonight, we were witness to another family experiencing a loss.  It is just so horrible and heart wrenching.  I want to run TO them and AWAY from them at the same time.  I want to comfort them but then you feel if you could just get away then it might not happen to you... like its contagious.  What do you do?  I watched this wife/mother being led, essentially carried, out by family... the chaplain following her.  Almost at the same time I say, "Thank you God that is not me..." and "Please God don't let that be me..."  I refuse to let fear get a grip but its a big fight.  That's a prayer request, really. 

Thomas was more like Thomas today than he's been yet.  Its obvious he has had determination from the start but, today he was able to really put words to it.  He has a 'plan' in place now so all feels a little more right with his world! 

We've still got a bit ahead of us, but, it could be so much worse.  This could have been a really tragic and sad anniversary, but God saved that from happening.  As Andre Crouch, my sister in law Beverly, Thomas and I say... "To God Be The Glory"!  (see previous post)

Thank you for reading this and for your prayers.  I am so thankful and so humbled...

HIOTT, jcm

"In sickness and in health...."

We said those words seventeen years ago today at our wedding! 

My sister in law, Beverly, sang at our wedding.  She has the most amazing voice and I can still hear her belting out "My Tribute" all those years ago!  I love the song... the lyrics are below.   To God Be the Glory that I will spend this day with Thomas!

I put a link to Andre Crouch singing it, too.  He has a great voice,but... Beverly, girl, you blew him away. 

How can I say thanks for the things
You have done for me?
Things so undeserved yet You gave
To prove Your love for me
The voices of a million angels
Could not express my gratitude
All that I am, and ever hope to be
I owe it all to Thee

To God be the glory, to God be the glory
To God be the glory for the things He has done
With His blood He has saved me
With His power He has raised me
To God be the glory for the things He has done
Just let me live my life and
Let it be pleasing Lord to Thee
And if I gain any praise, let it go to Calvary
With His blood He has saved me
With His power He has raised me
To God be the glory for the things He has done**http%3a//

Friday, October 22, 2010


The surgery to check the wound went really well and his leg injury looks good.   Our prayers are that the permanent grafts start mid week. 

He sat up in a chair for 2 hours today.  That's a difficult task but is necessary and good for him.   His nurse will have him do the same before her night shift ends tonight, which means it will be about 5:00 his morning!  I don't know anybody that would want to sit in a chair from 5:00 - 7:00 a.m! 

Thank you all for your prayers. 


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Never the same

I have been thinking that I (we) really will never be the same again.  I wasn't thinking it so much in terms of health, I believe God will fully restore Thomas, but more in terms of life experience.  We are forever changed by the things we've seen, heard, shared, dreaded, celebrated, fought, won. lost. 

Tonight I read someones post that said, "isn't that what we should all strive for? to be forever changed?"   I guess maybe so.  I have a much deeper appreciation for life, for friends, for family and most certainly for faith.  Of all the good things that have happened in my life, and they have been many, I don't think I can say that any of them have stirred my faith, have made me feel the power and the presence of God like this has.   Big. Strong. Mighty.  Loving. Gentle. Kind. 

To the point:  TICU for a little while longer.  That's a good thing for which I am thankful.   It was two weeks ago today that I was assured that Thomas was FINE, only had a muscle bruise and we just needed to ice it.  Nope.  He was slowly going away. 

Wound check in the a.m.  I pray that 1. it is done in the OR for sedation/pain control and that 2. the doctors find everything healthy and ready-to-go, just as they expect, 3. for the operating team's discernment, hands, minds, hearts. 

Our kids are doing so well, praise, praise.  My niece, who loves her Uncle T, has struggled some.  Shes only six.  Since my son now practically lives with them, he was there today when my niece got really upset about Thomas.  As I heard, Reed sat with her and explained the things he knew about his Dad, how it was going to be okay and that as soon as Reed could go see his Dad, he'd take his cousin with him.  That's a GRACE thing.... doesn't come from me.   Thank you, God, for that.

Miss MCM is also being carried by grace... in the form of precious friends who just wrap her up.  They keep life normal for her and that's exactly what a prayed for.   I am so thankful.... its an answered prayer as it gives me that peace that passes understanding.  Cuts down on the Pepto consumption.

He Is On The Throne.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I'm not a doctor, but I play one at the Med...

Thomas continues to hold his own.  There are discussions about him being moved out of the Trauma ICU into step down ICU. 

Believe it or not, I actually had mixed emotions about this discussion because he requires a lot of attention (in my mind) still.  After the shock of how this whole tale began, I am extremely hesitant about anything that seems like it could risk his stability and I ask a LOT of questions.  After 12 days of this, I act like I can stand toe to toe with these extremely skilled and highly trained doctors... oh.  Wait.  Maybe that's why he's getting bumped outta there?!?  :) 

In all seriousness, he is doing very well.  His leg is stable and the rest is catching up.  All I can think of over and over is a Bible School song... "Our God is so big, he's so strong and so mighty there's nothing my God cannot do!"  I am so humbled and so thankful and so full of praise.  Big, Strong and my three favorite adjectives! 

We got a pull up bar thing installed over his bed tonight!  He's not exactly doing P90X yet, but ... won't be long, knowing him.  He's quite a fighter (read: extremely stubborn and determined)!  His 3 brothers have been telling me that for years, but I guess, guys, I didn't really get it til now.  Well, sorry I doubted you and sure glad you were right.  Thank you Jason, Randall, and Kevin for those years and years of toughening him up, creating this 'stubborness" that serves him so well.  And, Nancy... I am quite sure you helped develop a little bit of both... along with making him memorize the words to Funky Town.  :) You are all his heart.  He loves you and so do I. 

Our prayers are that his leg will stay protected and infection free, that permanent grafting is as quick and as successful as we've been told to expect, that Thomas will get to move around more in the coming days and just feel better.  We also pray for our children to be able to have a peace, security and understanding beyond their years with this situation.   Also, my prayer is that I can quit walking around with a straw in a Pepto-Bismol bottle.  Ga-ross. 

Thank you for reading this post, for caring about my family and for your prayers.  Love and appreciate you so very much...

Proclaim it far and wide:

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

yesterday and today

The 'surgery' we waited on all day finally took place last night, at the bedside.  Its really more a 'procedure', I would say than surgery but... the reason they want to do it in the OR is for maximum pain control.  You can deduce then that it is a really unpleasant experience.  Today, I am very thankful for modern medicines and their ability to at least help you forget... and I am talking about Thomas, of course, not me. 

The doctor says his leg looks really great... I think his exact word was "superb'.  How amazing? What a miracle!  God definitely has plans for Thomas.  As I sit here, I am wondering just what those are.  How will He use him? 

I am so thankful to be able to share good news. That's how I know God has plans for us, all of us.   Not everyone visiting patients there has the same blessing.  A sweet lady who's been visiting her son all week in TICU was given very different information.  She is coming to terms with his home going.  We prayed together and she does have a peace about this but her heart is still breaking.  So is mine for her.  She said to me today that her son will make a wonderful angel because he has a beautiful voice. 

Thank you all for reading this.  Thank you for continuing to pray for complete healing for Thomas but also for this Mom who has such a hole in her life now.  My prayer for her is that God fills it with His Holy Spirit. 

Sunday, October 17, 2010

no catchy title

Thomas had a break from surgery over the weekend. Hallelujah!  Tomorrow morning, however, he goes in for another wound surgery.  Number 9.

My prayers are for Doctor Hickerson and his team.  I am so thankful for him and that God has brought him on to T's case.  He, as every surgeon we have had so far (Perez, Croce and more), is considered excellent.  I ask still that God guide them every step of the way.  God gave these doctors their healing gifts and I praise Him that Thomas is receiving their treatment, care and skill. 

I pray also that Thomas can stay focused on healing.  I petition God to shield him from anything not of Him.  God has brought him this far through this trial and I know that He will continue this work in Thomas.  Thomas has a faith that can (and kinda has) move mountains...  I pray that his faith is what sustains him tonight and in the coming days.

Our prayer for our kids is that they can see Thomas soon.  Right now, it looks like it could be a while.  Until then, I ask that God just wash over them with peace.  They are really beginning to miss their Dad.  We are praising God that they can at least have occasional phone talks with him!  I pray God will protect my words with them so I can assure and comfort them just as and where they need it.  "Jesus Take the Wheel" here ....

I just want to thank you for your obedience to God through your prayers.  As much as I covet your prayers, HE covets that time with you and that reliance on HIM.  By praying for us and these requests, you are pleasing God and sustaining us. Thank you.
