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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I'm not a doctor, but I play one at the Med...

Thomas continues to hold his own.  There are discussions about him being moved out of the Trauma ICU into step down ICU. 

Believe it or not, I actually had mixed emotions about this discussion because he requires a lot of attention (in my mind) still.  After the shock of how this whole tale began, I am extremely hesitant about anything that seems like it could risk his stability and I ask a LOT of questions.  After 12 days of this, I act like I can stand toe to toe with these extremely skilled and highly trained doctors... oh.  Wait.  Maybe that's why he's getting bumped outta there?!?  :) 

In all seriousness, he is doing very well.  His leg is stable and the rest is catching up.  All I can think of over and over is a Bible School song... "Our God is so big, he's so strong and so mighty there's nothing my God cannot do!"  I am so humbled and so thankful and so full of praise.  Big, Strong and my three favorite adjectives! 

We got a pull up bar thing installed over his bed tonight!  He's not exactly doing P90X yet, but ... won't be long, knowing him.  He's quite a fighter (read: extremely stubborn and determined)!  His 3 brothers have been telling me that for years, but I guess, guys, I didn't really get it til now.  Well, sorry I doubted you and sure glad you were right.  Thank you Jason, Randall, and Kevin for those years and years of toughening him up, creating this 'stubborness" that serves him so well.  And, Nancy... I am quite sure you helped develop a little bit of both... along with making him memorize the words to Funky Town.  :) You are all his heart.  He loves you and so do I. 

Our prayers are that his leg will stay protected and infection free, that permanent grafting is as quick and as successful as we've been told to expect, that Thomas will get to move around more in the coming days and just feel better.  We also pray for our children to be able to have a peace, security and understanding beyond their years with this situation.   Also, my prayer is that I can quit walking around with a straw in a Pepto-Bismol bottle.  Ga-ross. 

Thank you for reading this post, for caring about my family and for your prayers.  Love and appreciate you so very much...

Proclaim it far and wide:


  1. So glad that he is stable. I pray for you all several times a day, especially for his kidneys! Please give him my best.

    Leslie (Jenny and Rob's coordinator)

  2. So glad to keep hearing the good news. The pull up bar sounds fun- its the little things :) I am praying for the kids and you and of course, Thomas. I keep thinking God is showing yall big stuff.Your family will have a new and stronger understanding of faith and also in answered prayers. Never the same again- isnt that what we all need to strive for?
    Much love, Shanna
