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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Never the same

I have been thinking that I (we) really will never be the same again.  I wasn't thinking it so much in terms of health, I believe God will fully restore Thomas, but more in terms of life experience.  We are forever changed by the things we've seen, heard, shared, dreaded, celebrated, fought, won. lost. 

Tonight I read someones post that said, "isn't that what we should all strive for? to be forever changed?"   I guess maybe so.  I have a much deeper appreciation for life, for friends, for family and most certainly for faith.  Of all the good things that have happened in my life, and they have been many, I don't think I can say that any of them have stirred my faith, have made me feel the power and the presence of God like this has.   Big. Strong. Mighty.  Loving. Gentle. Kind. 

To the point:  TICU for a little while longer.  That's a good thing for which I am thankful.   It was two weeks ago today that I was assured that Thomas was FINE, only had a muscle bruise and we just needed to ice it.  Nope.  He was slowly going away. 

Wound check in the a.m.  I pray that 1. it is done in the OR for sedation/pain control and that 2. the doctors find everything healthy and ready-to-go, just as they expect, 3. for the operating team's discernment, hands, minds, hearts. 

Our kids are doing so well, praise, praise.  My niece, who loves her Uncle T, has struggled some.  Shes only six.  Since my son now practically lives with them, he was there today when my niece got really upset about Thomas.  As I heard, Reed sat with her and explained the things he knew about his Dad, how it was going to be okay and that as soon as Reed could go see his Dad, he'd take his cousin with him.  That's a GRACE thing.... doesn't come from me.   Thank you, God, for that.

Miss MCM is also being carried by grace... in the form of precious friends who just wrap her up.  They keep life normal for her and that's exactly what a prayed for.   I am so thankful.... its an answered prayer as it gives me that peace that passes understanding.  Cuts down on the Pepto consumption.

He Is On The Throne.


  1. J - so happy to hear some positive news about Thomas. To God be the glory! Now, for you girlfriend - our SS lesson last week was on speaking the truth to a sister or brother "in love." When you get on an airplane, you always get the little speech about if the cabin pressure drops and the oxygen masks fall out, put yours on first before helping small children or those around you. That's because if you faint or die from no oxygen, your little kids - or those around you who now need your help, will only have a limp and lifeless body who is no good to them. The moral of this story is, now that T is healing and getting better and better, I can't stand reading that you are drinking Pepto through a straw. You need to stop and "reload". Please take time to nourish your spiritual, mental, physical, and emtoional needs. Remember, this is a marathon, not a sprint and Thomas, MCM and your super football hero are going to need you healthy! Just a little lesson I learned when Hank was bit by the cancer bug. You have to take care of yourself first to be able to take care of your family. Love you girl...and spoken IN love. :-)

  2. Every thing from you I know is spoken in love, girl! Love with just the right amount of humor. I can always count on you for that. Thank you sweet sweet friend. I know you know what being in a 'fire' feels like. I am trying to wean myself off the pink stuff. Thank you dear friend. Do you have your oxygen mask on? :)
