I just sat here and wrote for an hour. My internet went down and I lost it all.
oh. my. word. I. am. so. frustrated.
there was much more said but the main point was that I didn't intend to send a link to that whole album. sorry. that seems sort of like 'Us, ad nauseum'.
t had his first physical/occupational therapy with new fancy brace yesterday=good.
clinic at med went really well too.
uh. still. so. mad.

Originally set up to help communicate information to family & friends about Thomas' urgent and life threatening health situation... we now maintain the blog to record and share his recovery. After all he has survived, and what was at risk, Thomas is a miracle and it's to the glory of God that he is... "Still Standin! (thanks to Brad Mayfield for the new title! See "And the Winner Is..." for more about him.)