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Saturday, October 16, 2010

angels unaware

Its hard to say this but, its easy to be judgemental when you are in a place like The Med.  I realize that isn't a very good reflection of me, but its the truth.  When in a crisis, one is obviously very self absorbed, rightly so.  But, what I've begun to realize is that I was looking straight through other people, not caring that they were having their own crisis, not caring that they didn't live 20 minutes away but rather 200 miles and their temporary housing was now the waiting room , not caring what was happening to their loved one. 

Last week ( or maybe it was yesterday) I passed a man in the hallway.  His outward appearance was not really 'pleasing to the eye'... I just kept going, barely noticing him.  I took my place outside the door of the TICU, waiting for visiting '40 minutes' to start.   Something happened, I received some news that upset me and I began to cry.  In a second, someone was holding on to me and speaking to me in a reassuring way and it wasn't a familiar voice.  It was the man.  The man whom I had just looked right through.  He asked me a few questions, tried to calm me and then he said he would pray for Thomas.  He did it right then while holding on to me still.  He prayed for my Thomas and his friend, Peanut :).  He prayed a beautiful, simple prayer but so heartfelt. 

I've been thinking about him every day now.  I haven't seen him again nor have I been able to find out who is Peanut (HPPA!) so....... I am reminded of this verse that my Mom has had hanging by her back entry for as long as I can remember.  Its:

Hebrews 13: 2 " Do not forget to entertain strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares... " 

Isn't that beautiful?  Throughout this whole ordeal, we have been sustained from near and far.  I am realizing that 'the man' was not the only angel I was unaware of... there have been many and had my heart not been so so so so open to God right now, I would have missed them too.  Maybe I have missed some.  But, from now on, I am looking.  I hope you are too!

The angel I am not missing is the one sittin' in that bed at the med (yes, we've made many jokes at the rhyme).  He's amazing.  I see why God chose to use him, even though I wish I could have negotiated that a little.  But, TMullins is a fighter like I've never known.   He watched his Tigers beat my Hogs today (where was the sedation when I needed it?!) And he is going to beat ALL of this to the glory of His Lord, and mine, and yours... one in the same.  Thomas prays now when my 40 minutes are up.  He is my angel; I am aware.  Thank you God for Thomas. Thank you God for staying with him for carrying him and me.

My Thomas is a private, protected person.  To honor him, and after much thought and prayer, I've chosen not to openly list every detail of his current status, vital signs or recovery.  God knows those things as He knows every (remaining) hair on his head.   We covet your prayers and thank you for faithfully lifting him up, despite my lack of information, asking that God continue a revival of faith through Thomas' miraculous recovery.  We are so thankful, so humbled, you will just never know.  And... HIOTT!

Friday, October 15, 2010

What Not to Wear...

Top of the list: gowns and gloves!  Thomas was removed from isolation tonight so we can just walk in the room with out having to gown up!  It is a small and huge step all at once! 

His nurse tonight was on a week ago when T came to the ICU (which he still is, just removed from isolation list, no change in geography) ... similar story to earlier in that he was shocked to see him tonight.  In his words: " Gurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl, God is goooooooooooooooooooooooood!"  Yes He is. 
quicker, shorter updated post...
He had surgery number 8 this morning.  He did well and the doctors were pleased with the wound progress.  What a huge praise!
The last two surgeries have left him very disoriented  when waking up.  This is normal for most but hasn't been the case with him until now.  Its very hard to watch when there is very little I can do. 
He had more dialysis.  His body seems to respond pretty well, but there is a lot of ground to cover there.
Thomas has covered so much ground so far, though, so I claim the promises that God will continue to carry him over the rest. 
I am on my way back down tonight.  I pray that I will find him resting and full of courage.  Thank you all for your prayers.  God is so present in this.  I just ask that you keep lifting Thomas up... and this continues to glorify Him and His work. 
Have a wonderful Friday night... hold tight to your families.  The greatest blessings of all

Thank you and I love you all!  For those of you traveling, be safe.
So, I thought I'd take my little magic pill, Ambien then sit down and update the blog.  Hahahaha!  Picture me waking up hours later with keyboard prints on my face... Wow.  That stuff works well and, fast

Needless to say, I rested last night and I was able to do so, not only thanks to my little helper, but mainly due to my bigger one!  God has continued to work a miracle in Thomas while I stand there, as do most of the medical staff, wide eyed in wonder.  While its still a little too close for me to hear/think about/understand.... several people including doctors and his ICU nurses now tell me they never thought he would make it through the weekend.  My stomach turns every time I say that or now, write it.  It hurts to really put that out there, but, again ... if I am going to use this blog as it was intended then I have to paint the clearest picture I can of exactly how powerful our mighty Father is! 

A week ago today, we started our wild, ambulance guided tour through Memphis that ended at The Med.  Last Friday night was just a horrible night for so many reasons.... but after he came out of surgery, I saw him and talked to (what seemed like) every employee AT the med, we came home, after repeated warnings not to stay there, to try and regroup/rest.  Well, rest wouldn't come of course.  I say it felt like I couldn't be still in my own skin... just horror and panic combined with helplessness.  It comes in waves just like it would if you were standing in the ocean.  Thankfully, God sent angels of mercy disguised as my family and friends to sit with me. 

I wanted to call to check on him but was terrified to do so at the same time.  Finally, I got the strength.  The desk clerk just said , harshly, "He's critical!"  and would give me no more information.  (grrrrrrrrrrr.  I'm praying over my feelings about her!)

About 3 hours later, his actual nurse called me.  The worst sound in the world is your phone ringing in the night, even if you aren't asleep.  Your stomach still lurches.  On the other end was Veronica, the first in his series of about 7 angel nurses that as cared for my Thomas.  She had much better 'bed side' (phone side?) manner and told me that he was awake!  What?  She was as surprised as I was.  What a fighter he is!  But, she said I could come see him if I wanted to.  Mom, Beth and I left about 3:00 a.m to go.  Per my request, Veronica was on T.s duty the next night too.  That was Saturday night. 

Veronica was back on duty yesterday for the first time since Saturday night.  When I came in she hugged me and whispered that even with all her experience in the Trauma ICU, she was so afraid to look in his room for fear he was no longer there.   To God be the Glory, or as T and one of his best friends end every email H.I.O.T.T.... (He Is On The Throne)  Tom Mullins WAS still in that room with a heavenly host of angels crowded around him!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tom had his first day off yesterday!  It was a vacation day from surgery.  He slept as though he'd never slept before in his life.  Praise God again... there was no better sight than walking in that room and just seeing his face (normal sized again) sound asleep, even peaceful looking.  Yesterday's nurse, Yolanda, calls him "Sleeping Beauty"... he's gonna wish I didn't print that (among other things I'm sure) Sorry, honey!!

Later,  I am going to speak a little more about the events of yesterday outside of Tom's actual condition but related to the whole 'deal'...  What I have to share then is the unspeakable blessing I had by having T's two best friends from childhood here at my side.  I've had my friends and both our families too and couldn't make it with out any of you and you all fall into this category.   But, I have to address that having B (Brad) and Stew (Shannon) with me every step for the last I-have-lost-track-of-days was as closest to having TMullins with me.  The lifted me up, they gently advised me, they helped me laugh, the let me cry endlessly, they let me repeat myself over and over.... they let me RUN them around Germantown like mad men while trying to catch the pertinent parts of two football games and Mary-Carter's homecoming.  They videoed it all for their friend.  They had patience that had no end.  They came on a moments notice from Atlanta (Shannon drove all night) and from Dallas (Brad caught a flight with in hours of hearing) .... Its like the man version of Beaches! :)  I can't make it through any of this without adding a levity here and there but, they are the Wind Beneath My (husband's) Wings.  And, oh are they going to have a great time ribbing him about it all later. 

There are so many things I would love to say and will at some point... I need longer to think about them. Its harder to update this than I thought.  Just hard to know what to say or how.   Most of all, I still can't come up with the words to thank you for your overwhelming support.  You all know that it is hard to accept, not at all because I don't want it but ... just... I don't know, just because.  However, thankfully you are all overiding me because it has been a total God send and you've filled needs I would have never asked to be filled.  (Still.... no one I KNOW better clean this house.  I will, and I promise with all I have in me, I will KILL you!:):):))

HUMBLING doesn't touch what it is to receive and accept these helps.  Its a lesson for me ... I've heard before if you don't let people "do" you are robbing them of the blessing.  So, alright already! :)  I'm taking deep breaths and letting you 'do'....  I pray that God blesses you for it and through it as He has me.  I love you all.

Just got a call... he's headed back.  Surgery number 7 or 8.  We prayed together and I'll be wating on him we he comes out of the OR.   HIOTT....

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

He called!

I feel like a high school girl that's been sitting by the phone willing it to ring!  Being waken up (I hope that is the right way to say that..!)  by the phone, especially now, is one of my least favorite things but... early this morning when it did... it was wonderful!  I heard a voice I have missed til I ached!  Thomas, although incredibly groggy and senseless was on the phone! :)  Praise the Lord for that and for his precious nurse, Molly, who had the idea to do that.  What a doll she is! They have all been such blessings!

They extubated T late last night after his last wound surgery.  He was going in, right after we hung up, with Plastics (yes, TMullins will be the one in our family getting plastic surgery!  Who'd have ever thought!?!)  His two best friends from his childhood are here and, to add some levity (much needed) they've had a great time messing with T about plastic surgery, exactly what kind of skin he'll be getting (cadaver to start...but we've taken lots of liberties with that! ), and all other types of things. 

We will remain in Trauma ICU for at least another week.  Maybe sometime over the weekend he can move to the step down ICU.  The doctor over that unit is another precious lady of faith and has been praying with me over this the whole time, as have so many of you!!!! 

I am not a blogger and putting all this out there and asking you guys for all this help is hard for me, but not giving all this information is robbing God of the glory of this miracle that HE has worked in our life.  It looks like this is all about us, but it is really all about our Heavenly Father and how much he loves all of us, Thomas me and you!  And, let me just tell you .. its about learning to totally give your life over to HIM!!!!   Its about learning to let go and realize we live in a world where HE IS IN CONTROL and we, thank heavens, don't have to be.  His plans are perfect, even when you are walking right through the middle of a terrifying fire.   His mighty armour has been melted down around us, something I pray for all the time but had no idea how it would be used, as we have traveled so far.  I am so grateful, thankful, humbled...

His doctors and nurses have to still tell me that he is in a life threatening situation and critical.  I know that.  But, they also have to say, just in their own 'stream of conscience" thinking that T's progress so far,  as nothing less than a miracle.  Its been such a testimony to so many.  These young residents come in all wide eyed... seeing this type of case is something a young doctor-to-be can't wait to learn from.  They are astounded.  Every single doctor, nurse, aid that has worked on him has been an angel of the Lord.. doing HIS work.  That's the lesson of the day. 

As verbose as I am, :), I will NEVER have the words to tell you all what you have meant and do mean to me... and to Thomas once he is able to understand the events of the last five days.   Seriously, I just don' t have the words.  Its humbling, humbling.  We are so grateful.  Thank you.  I love you, each of you.  Thank you. 

B and C, the blog is AWESOME!  I'm so glad you did it.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

October 12, 2010 - 2:05

Sorry for the delay in an update.  We are not IT savy either.  Here is the lastest from the MED:

Thomas continues to hold his own. 
He is breathing on his own now too.
He will have another cleaning surgery today, and if everything looks good and goes well they MIGHT start skin grafts in his surgery in the morning.
All his other vitals are still the same.
They have a clip board in his room that has a keyboard on it and he is able to communicate with people that way.

Julie is feeling encouraged and we are all so thankful for his improvements.  Thank you all again for your continued prayers.  They are working!! 

If you are visiting Julie at the MED, you can find her in the Pavillion area (next to the gift shop and cafeteria) unless she is in with Thomas. She usually comes back to the pavillion afterwards.  They do have regulated visiting hours for family (9, 1 & 5), but since he is doing surgeries so often they usually let her back at different times. So at this point, there is not really a set schedule.  If you don't find her, just wait around a little bit and she will come back there when her visitation is over.

Monday, October 11, 2010

October 11, 2010 - 2:30

Hello all
This is our blog we have set up to keep you all informed of Thomas and the most recent prayer request for him.  We are depending on all of you to get our family through this!!   We have an overwhelming amount of people praying for us and offering help.  We covet both.

Julie has a hard time asking for help, but at this point she needs it.  So, we are going to take the pressure off of her and also be using this blog as a tool to let you guys know things that need to be done. 

Julie has had so many messages and text that she can't even begin to answer and it is making her upset that she can't.  Please do NOT stop sending her text and messages.  She is so encouraged by reading and hearing them.  It seems that each one she reads is perfect for whatever situation she is in at the moment.  If something is laid on your heart, please do not hesitate to forward it on to her. You may also leave a comment on this blog for her or any member of the family.

We are in for a big fight, because Thomas is very sick.  We believe in the power of prayer and want everyone of you to join us in asking God to heal our precious Thomas.

Please keep in mind that we are not in the medical field and have no knowledge of medical terminology.  So please excuse the way we butcher these explanations.

10/11 update
-number/vitals are starting to improve - huge answer to prayer
-had dialysis last night, kidneys still not working on their own, but doctors still   don't consider this alarming
-off all blood pressure meds - huge answer to prayer
-alert and talking, but still intubated

10/11Prayer Request
-existing infection continue to die
-kidney function will resume on their own
-Reed and Mary Carter  - patience and understanding.  Their life is going to  be really different for a long time. 
-Julie - for strength and courage and peace during the night.  She is having a hard time resting.

There will also be a dry erase board outside Julies front door.  Needs for the day will be posted there and we would love for you to leave her a note of encouragement if you happen to stop by and miss her.  She is being held up right now by all of you and our Heavenly Father.  Your continued support and love is needed and so much appreciated.  Thank you doesn't even begin to cover what our family feels for all that you have done.  We have heard that said so many we finally understand how it feels.  Thank you!!!

Carla Catron and Beth Dawson
(Julie's sisters)