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Saturday, October 16, 2010

angels unaware

Its hard to say this but, its easy to be judgemental when you are in a place like The Med.  I realize that isn't a very good reflection of me, but its the truth.  When in a crisis, one is obviously very self absorbed, rightly so.  But, what I've begun to realize is that I was looking straight through other people, not caring that they were having their own crisis, not caring that they didn't live 20 minutes away but rather 200 miles and their temporary housing was now the waiting room , not caring what was happening to their loved one. 

Last week ( or maybe it was yesterday) I passed a man in the hallway.  His outward appearance was not really 'pleasing to the eye'... I just kept going, barely noticing him.  I took my place outside the door of the TICU, waiting for visiting '40 minutes' to start.   Something happened, I received some news that upset me and I began to cry.  In a second, someone was holding on to me and speaking to me in a reassuring way and it wasn't a familiar voice.  It was the man.  The man whom I had just looked right through.  He asked me a few questions, tried to calm me and then he said he would pray for Thomas.  He did it right then while holding on to me still.  He prayed for my Thomas and his friend, Peanut :).  He prayed a beautiful, simple prayer but so heartfelt. 

I've been thinking about him every day now.  I haven't seen him again nor have I been able to find out who is Peanut (HPPA!) so....... I am reminded of this verse that my Mom has had hanging by her back entry for as long as I can remember.  Its:

Hebrews 13: 2 " Do not forget to entertain strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares... " 

Isn't that beautiful?  Throughout this whole ordeal, we have been sustained from near and far.  I am realizing that 'the man' was not the only angel I was unaware of... there have been many and had my heart not been so so so so open to God right now, I would have missed them too.  Maybe I have missed some.  But, from now on, I am looking.  I hope you are too!

The angel I am not missing is the one sittin' in that bed at the med (yes, we've made many jokes at the rhyme).  He's amazing.  I see why God chose to use him, even though I wish I could have negotiated that a little.  But, TMullins is a fighter like I've never known.   He watched his Tigers beat my Hogs today (where was the sedation when I needed it?!) And he is going to beat ALL of this to the glory of His Lord, and mine, and yours... one in the same.  Thomas prays now when my 40 minutes are up.  He is my angel; I am aware.  Thank you God for Thomas. Thank you God for staying with him for carrying him and me.

My Thomas is a private, protected person.  To honor him, and after much thought and prayer, I've chosen not to openly list every detail of his current status, vital signs or recovery.  God knows those things as He knows every (remaining) hair on his head.   We covet your prayers and thank you for faithfully lifting him up, despite my lack of information, asking that God continue a revival of faith through Thomas' miraculous recovery.  We are so thankful, so humbled, you will just never know.  And... HIOTT!


  1. We have been praying daily for Thomas and your family, Julie. You are an amazing wife to a wonderful man. Keep staying strong and know that the Carr's from Ohio are praying for God's healing!

  2. Julie, you and Thomas have been heavy in my heart and I pray for all of you continuously throughout each and every day. I am so very glad for Brad & Stew (I knew they were their-just felt it in my heart) and know what a blessing they were to you. Your friend Kristin couldn't have said it better "you are an amazing wife to a wonderful man" and God has blessed both of you. Give the big guy a hug from me when you can and let him know he now has everyone's attention and he needs to come home! Love you both. Marnie

  3. Hebrews 13:2 is now going to hang in a special spot in my home . . . so Tom, the boys and I will always remember the "strangers" and the angels unawares. As always, you're all in our thoughts and prayers. Love you.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I remember playing with Thomas as a child we grew up in the same neighborhood together We are praying for Thomas and you and are excite seeing God work watching over his precious ones - HIOTT Eph 3:20 -- Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.

  6. Everybody... thank you for you precious comments to us. Now, listen... I am not amazing. I am grace filled and God sustained, but NOT amazing! :) Anything you see in me is just a reflection of God's strength and something every wife who looks to Him would and could do. Thomas is my rock so... payback.
