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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

October 12, 2010 - 2:05

Sorry for the delay in an update.  We are not IT savy either.  Here is the lastest from the MED:

Thomas continues to hold his own. 
He is breathing on his own now too.
He will have another cleaning surgery today, and if everything looks good and goes well they MIGHT start skin grafts in his surgery in the morning.
All his other vitals are still the same.
They have a clip board in his room that has a keyboard on it and he is able to communicate with people that way.

Julie is feeling encouraged and we are all so thankful for his improvements.  Thank you all again for your continued prayers.  They are working!! 

If you are visiting Julie at the MED, you can find her in the Pavillion area (next to the gift shop and cafeteria) unless she is in with Thomas. She usually comes back to the pavillion afterwards.  They do have regulated visiting hours for family (9, 1 & 5), but since he is doing surgeries so often they usually let her back at different times. So at this point, there is not really a set schedule.  If you don't find her, just wait around a little bit and she will come back there when her visitation is over.

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