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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

He called!

I feel like a high school girl that's been sitting by the phone willing it to ring!  Being waken up (I hope that is the right way to say that..!)  by the phone, especially now, is one of my least favorite things but... early this morning when it did... it was wonderful!  I heard a voice I have missed til I ached!  Thomas, although incredibly groggy and senseless was on the phone! :)  Praise the Lord for that and for his precious nurse, Molly, who had the idea to do that.  What a doll she is! They have all been such blessings!

They extubated T late last night after his last wound surgery.  He was going in, right after we hung up, with Plastics (yes, TMullins will be the one in our family getting plastic surgery!  Who'd have ever thought!?!)  His two best friends from his childhood are here and, to add some levity (much needed) they've had a great time messing with T about plastic surgery, exactly what kind of skin he'll be getting (cadaver to start...but we've taken lots of liberties with that! ), and all other types of things. 

We will remain in Trauma ICU for at least another week.  Maybe sometime over the weekend he can move to the step down ICU.  The doctor over that unit is another precious lady of faith and has been praying with me over this the whole time, as have so many of you!!!! 

I am not a blogger and putting all this out there and asking you guys for all this help is hard for me, but not giving all this information is robbing God of the glory of this miracle that HE has worked in our life.  It looks like this is all about us, but it is really all about our Heavenly Father and how much he loves all of us, Thomas me and you!  And, let me just tell you .. its about learning to totally give your life over to HIM!!!!   Its about learning to let go and realize we live in a world where HE IS IN CONTROL and we, thank heavens, don't have to be.  His plans are perfect, even when you are walking right through the middle of a terrifying fire.   His mighty armour has been melted down around us, something I pray for all the time but had no idea how it would be used, as we have traveled so far.  I am so grateful, thankful, humbled...

His doctors and nurses have to still tell me that he is in a life threatening situation and critical.  I know that.  But, they also have to say, just in their own 'stream of conscience" thinking that T's progress so far,  as nothing less than a miracle.  Its been such a testimony to so many.  These young residents come in all wide eyed... seeing this type of case is something a young doctor-to-be can't wait to learn from.  They are astounded.  Every single doctor, nurse, aid that has worked on him has been an angel of the Lord.. doing HIS work.  That's the lesson of the day. 

As verbose as I am, :), I will NEVER have the words to tell you all what you have meant and do mean to me... and to Thomas once he is able to understand the events of the last five days.   Seriously, I just don' t have the words.  Its humbling, humbling.  We are so grateful.  Thank you.  I love you, each of you.  Thank you. 

B and C, the blog is AWESOME!  I'm so glad you did it.


  1. Such wonderful news! We continue to pray hard for Thomas, you and your family. The DiPietro's

    Francesca is praying from Auburn, too.

  2. Jules! I am thrilled to hear that you were able to talk to Tom this morning! Such wonderful news! Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with all of us. I know that's not an easy thing to do, but I appreciate it so much and it is a real blessing to hear how the Lord is working through all of this. You are an amazing wife, mother and friend, and TOM MULLINS IS A ROCK STAR! ♥ ♥ ♥

    So much love,

  3. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! Julie, you are such a wonderful wife, mother, and friend! You are doing the Lord's work as well. All of this is such a miracle. It truly glorifies Jesus and his healing powers. We will all continue to pray that he keeps getting such wonderful doctors, nurses, etc who will use their God-given talents to heal Tom...and that your faith stays so strong! You and this whole situation are a testament of faith!
    Andrea (and David, Brittany, & Davis too!)

  4. I am crying tears of thankfulness over this! God is faithful!

  5. Julie, we are so thankful that Thomas is making so much progress. We continue to lift you all up to our Lord Almighty in prayer for complete healing and restoration.
    Fred and Beth Argo

  6. What a wonderful God we have. He is the true physician and has his hand on all of us - and will always be with us. Julie, the Lord never gives us more than we can carry, but I often asked him to lighten my load and that's when I realized He was carrying me too. You have felt his very power and your faith is strong.

    I had chills just reading the first few lines of your blog knowing that you heard that wonderful voice on the other end of the phone....not making any difference what he said...just to hear his voice.

    Give him a big hug from me and all of us are to keep the faith and keep our prayers going through out the day. You are loved by so many and I am so proud to be a part of this huge extended family.

    Love to all of you.

  7. Julie,

    Your good news of Thomas' improved condition and your true testament of faith has brought me to tears! Very happy tears. You are inspiration to us all! My faith is stronger from just peeking in on your ordeal and bearing witness to His grace at work in your lives.

    Much love,
    Courtney and Whitt

  8. Great news Julie! Thank you for the updates. As hard as it may be to put it all "out there", it helps us know how to pray specifically. God is so good!!

  9. Wow!!!! The best gift ever.... Our God is an awesome God!! So thankful for your great news. I'm all about finding a silver lining and have been struggling to find one in this situation, but reading your words made it all very clear! Watching God work in your life is a miracle, an inspiration and a true testimony of letting go and letting God. We continue to pray for your family. Thanks for the wonderful update!!

    XO Kevin, Tricia and the Girls

  10. Jules, As I sit her reading your words, and hearing you voice, I weep. The support you are getting from all that love you and Thomas, is a perfect example of reaping what you sow. You guys are such great people and such great friends. We are all in this with you. We all are feeling your joy and your pain. A "dear friend" once gave me a gift when I was going through a rough time.. a couple of my favorites,
    "The making of friends, who are real friends, is the best token we have of a man's success in life"-Edward Hale
    My favorite and one I know to be TRUE- "The secret of happiness is not discovered in the absence of trials, but in the midst of them"
    Love You, Chrissy

  11. Julie, My name is Pam(Watters). I grew up with Nancy and Thomas. Also went to church with the Killoughs. Thomas & I were in Drama together during our high school years. Such a sweet wonderful family...Thank you for the post on Thomas. GOD is Faithful and all his friends here in Montgomery are also sending Prays up for you and the family.

  12. We are so happy for Tom's improvement! What wonderful news. We're all thinking of you. Sherrie & David

  13. So overjoyed and beyond thankful that God is answering prayers. This will be an awesome testimony to share. I love you guys and I'm still praying and thanking God for His miracles.
    Rachel Norman

  14. Julie ~ I was thrilled to read about Tom's phone call to you! God is so good!! It has been wonderful to be able to keep up with his improvements and see how God is working day by day. Please know that you and your family are constantly in our prayers. Stay strong!

    Love you, Kristen

  15. Hi there - I am a friend and co-worker of Carla's. I am also a blogger, so I was so glad she told me you are keeping people updated through blogging. Now I won't have to bug her every time I see her! I am amazed at your strength and faith. I can't even imagine how difficult all of this is for your whole family. Just know that I am praying for you and thinking of you often. Your story is very inspiring.
    - Donna Kitchen
    (Ellendale Elementary)

  16. Julie, I'm sitting in my classroom as my 2nd grade students are in PE and I pulled up the blog to check on ya'll. I'm sitting here crying because he called you. On the phone! WOOHOO! Since talking to Carla on Saturday, I know what an AWESOME improvement that is. THANK YOU SO MUCH for doing this blog. This whole thing is a testament to God working in ya'lls lives. Please know Stewart and I are constantly praying for your family. I love Chris and Carla so much and your family is just an extension of that. When one hurts, we all do. Our God TRULY IS an AWESOME God!
    Kellie Thompson

  17. I don't know either of you but I heard about your situation thru a mutual friend, Shanda, on FB and I just have to tell you what an inspiration and a testimony this is! You and your family and most especially Thomas have my continued prayers for God's will to be done and the strength to accept whatever that is (and I really feel it will be GOOD)!!!!

    Tonya R.

  18. I just messaged Beth for her Bday, and what a shock to find out what ya'll have been going through. Unbelievable. So relieved to read things are improving. I will pray for you constantly.

    Hope this verse is encouraging... "As for me, I will call upon God, and the Lord shall save me. Evening and morning and at noon I will pray, and cry aloud, and He shall hear my voice. He has redeemed my soul in peace from the battle that was against me."
    Psalm 55:16-18

    Love and prayers,
    Cathy H.
