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Monday, October 11, 2010

October 11, 2010 - 2:30

Hello all
This is our blog we have set up to keep you all informed of Thomas and the most recent prayer request for him.  We are depending on all of you to get our family through this!!   We have an overwhelming amount of people praying for us and offering help.  We covet both.

Julie has a hard time asking for help, but at this point she needs it.  So, we are going to take the pressure off of her and also be using this blog as a tool to let you guys know things that need to be done. 

Julie has had so many messages and text that she can't even begin to answer and it is making her upset that she can't.  Please do NOT stop sending her text and messages.  She is so encouraged by reading and hearing them.  It seems that each one she reads is perfect for whatever situation she is in at the moment.  If something is laid on your heart, please do not hesitate to forward it on to her. You may also leave a comment on this blog for her or any member of the family.

We are in for a big fight, because Thomas is very sick.  We believe in the power of prayer and want everyone of you to join us in asking God to heal our precious Thomas.

Please keep in mind that we are not in the medical field and have no knowledge of medical terminology.  So please excuse the way we butcher these explanations.

10/11 update
-number/vitals are starting to improve - huge answer to prayer
-had dialysis last night, kidneys still not working on their own, but doctors still   don't consider this alarming
-off all blood pressure meds - huge answer to prayer
-alert and talking, but still intubated

10/11Prayer Request
-existing infection continue to die
-kidney function will resume on their own
-Reed and Mary Carter  - patience and understanding.  Their life is going to  be really different for a long time. 
-Julie - for strength and courage and peace during the night.  She is having a hard time resting.

There will also be a dry erase board outside Julies front door.  Needs for the day will be posted there and we would love for you to leave her a note of encouragement if you happen to stop by and miss her.  She is being held up right now by all of you and our Heavenly Father.  Your continued support and love is needed and so much appreciated.  Thank you doesn't even begin to cover what our family feels for all that you have done.  We have heard that said so many we finally understand how it feels.  Thank you!!!

Carla Catron and Beth Dawson
(Julie's sisters)


  1. Mullins family -

    So glad you have started this blog. I have been checking facebook like crazy looking for an update. I have been praying nonstop since I heard the news. Your family is such an inspiration to many. I will continue to lift all of you in prayer, as well as those who will be caring for Thomas.

    Paula & Jeff Johnson family

  2. Continuing to pray for complete healing for Thomas. I am anxious to see how God shows off big
    in all of this. I am praying for all of you and for rest and peace.
    Love to you,
    Shanna Sparks

  3. thanks for posting this! I have been praying for all of you since i heard. Can't imagine how difficult things must be right now. I am available in any way to help. Praying hard for all of you!!
    Tina Greene

  4. Julie,
    Your sweet spirit is a blessing to others at all times, so please take this time and allow others to be a blessing to you. Please let me know how I can help with precious MCM at school. Thank you for entrusting her to me everyday.

    Jessica Woody

  5. We love you Julie and your precious family. WE are praying for Thomas diligently. I hate that you all have this cross to bear in your lives right now, but God works in awesome ways through suffering. I have already seen God's hand in so many ways since we talked on my birthday last Thursday. I will check in with you and am here to help in any way you may need me/us. Matthew 11:28-30...Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you REST.....remember to lean on HIM. Love you. Amy

  6. Julie,
    The Green family is praying for you and Thomas and your precious children. You are on our hearts, in our minds and continually in our prayers.
    Allen & Audra Green

  7. We are praying for you all, along with all of your other wonderful family and friends. Was awake deep into the night last night thinking of you all. I know that, although it's bound to be a challenging road ahead, God will see Tom & all of you through. Tom is strong, HE is stong and this will be one of those times when you look back and see one set of footprints in the sand! We will be constantly thinking & praying for you.

  8. Dear Mullins Family,

    I have not stopped praying for you since I heard. I do not know you personally, but I work with Carla, and hear about you all of the time! Stay strong and stay encouraged. Our God is in the miracle business, and that is what we are praying for! I am praying for you constantly- may the peace of God be with you through each step.

    Much love,
    Jennifer Hall

  9. Hi Julie!
    I just want you to know that you have lots of prayers going out to your whole family here in Mississippi. Jason and I,along with our boys, said special prayers for y'all in church on Sunday and continue to pray throughout the day on a daily basis. Just remember that God is good and He will see y'all through this challenging time. Tom is a trooper and his strength along with his faith will get him through this. God Bless Y'all! Shanda Walenta

  10. Sweet Jules,
    Please know that my family is lifting yours up in prayer, each and every day.I have shared his story with my Daddy and they are praying for you too. We adore you and T and just know that God is wrapping his arms around you and will get you both through this. Your faith has been an inspiration to so many people and we hope our faith in God and in your family will be an inspiration to you now during this difficult time. We love you both more than you know!! Kevin, Tricia and the Girls

  11. Julie, You know that my family has known Thomas since he was 3 years old (mom taught him in Sunday School) and we have loved him forever. When he introduced you into our lives we immediately loved you too. All of your family has been in our thoughts and prayers since we found out along with all of his medical staff that they will allow God to work through them to heal Thomas. Know that you are all loved by so many and wish I was there to give and get a big hug. Love to all, Marnie

  12. Julie, my son Jonathan plays football with Reed and my husband Jeff is one of the assistant coaches/volunteers with Tom. We just heard about Tom's condition last night and are praying for you all,Phil. 4:6-7 that you will "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made know to God. And the peace of God which surpasses all comprehension will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."

  13. Julie:
    Please know that our prayers continue to go out on behalf of Tom and your sweet family for strength & healing.

    Beth & Carla:
    What precious sisters you are to set up this blog! Thanks for continuing to update us so we know how to pray specifically and can also share in the praises as we see God's answers.

    much love & prayer,
    Jo Ellen

  14. Julie:

    Please know that our thoughts and prayers are there for you. Jeff has been keeping us updated on Thomas and I just saw Nancy at work today. She had heard from Randall and said that the news was good and that Thomas was talking a bit. I am sure he will be issuing orders very soon. I know that you are doing a wonderful job staying upbeat for him because that is your personality. Tell him that we send him our love and prayers,

    Allannah and David

  15. Julie:

    God has placed Tom, you, and your children on my heart, at certain times, during the past several days. I feel like when that happens it is time to stop and pray. Our family will continue to lift your family up in prayer.

    Isaiah 41:10 "Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you. I will uphold you with My righteous right hand."

    I pray that God will continue to keep you strong!
    Melissa & Bill McCollum

  16. Julie~

    Hope Shannon and Brad lifted his spirits today by being there. They would not have been any where else! Praying for you and Thomas all the time! You are a great wife to him! I can still remember him bungee jumping for you in Texarkana ( I think) years ago, someone filming it and him screaming, "This is for Julie Carter!" Hang in there!

  17. Julie,

    I just found out about Thomas yesterday and have had you on my mind ever since I heard. Your precious family is in my thoughts and prayers.

  18. Julie, I have been praying for you and your family during this difficult time. Praise God for the progress he has already made and I will continue to pray for Thomas' healing and for you to have peace and rest during this time. Blessings, Sharon Mrok
