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Saturday, October 23, 2010

"In sickness and in health...."

We said those words seventeen years ago today at our wedding! 

My sister in law, Beverly, sang at our wedding.  She has the most amazing voice and I can still hear her belting out "My Tribute" all those years ago!  I love the song... the lyrics are below.   To God Be the Glory that I will spend this day with Thomas!

I put a link to Andre Crouch singing it, too.  He has a great voice,but... Beverly, girl, you blew him away. 

How can I say thanks for the things
You have done for me?
Things so undeserved yet You gave
To prove Your love for me
The voices of a million angels
Could not express my gratitude
All that I am, and ever hope to be
I owe it all to Thee

To God be the glory, to God be the glory
To God be the glory for the things He has done
With His blood He has saved me
With His power He has raised me
To God be the glory for the things He has done
Just let me live my life and
Let it be pleasing Lord to Thee
And if I gain any praise, let it go to Calvary
With His blood He has saved me
With His power He has raised me
To God be the glory for the things He has done**http%3a//


  1. Happy Anniversary (You know the voice I'm saying it in). I still remember wearing my jewel toned(read:purple) velvet dress.
    Do you remember the sunflower I gave you that day? This is one of the times you need to remember what it was for.
    I love you both more than you know. So thankful to have you and T as my family and I will never take it for granted!!!

  2. Happy Anniversary, Jules! SO glad you are able to celebrate it today. 17 years is an amazing accomplishment!

  3. Praise the Lord. All power and glory is His.

  4. Happy Anniversary! What an unexpected place to spend it, but God has done some amazing things these last 2 weeks. I'm so proud of you Julie in showing your example of the strong wife that you are by being there with Thomas every moment when you have been able to. I could never tell you how much I thank you for taking care of that sweet brother of mine. Give him a hug from me and enjoy your time on this special day. To God be the Glory - how appropriate!
    We love you, Nancy.
