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Monday, October 25, 2010

Gimme 3 steps towards the door...

Thomas took those three steps plus about 12 more today!  My first question was, did they remember to tie closed your hospital gown!?  The second was did anybody help you!?  Yes and No were the respective answers.  Turns out,I think the whole TICU care team stood and watched in surprise, the burliest of PT staff nearby in case a catch was needed, but it wasn't!  His nurse says he insisted that he could, so they wheeled him out about 15 paces from his room and said, "Go for it!"   Autonomy is a good thing, a very good thing... and one that's been the catalyst for him.  It could be the fact that I've thanked him for finally allowing me to be in charge of our family budget, but whatever the reason, he is MOTIVATED!  :)

Thanks for reading this, for caring for and praying for my family... The power of prayer is an amazing thing.  You should always know that its there available to you just as it has been to us.  God is so good. 




  1. What good news to wake up to! Steps closer to being home! We continue to pray.

  2. One of my favorite songs "and he walks with me and he talks with me"....proven again that this is so true. Give Thomas a high five for me and let him know how proud we all are! Oh the Power of Prayer...we love you.


  3. Wow Julie! That is incredible news :) Please tell Thomas that we are praying for his strength and healing every day and we pray for you, Julie, and the kids. God Bless!

  4. Thanks everybody for your encouragement and sweet comments! I am so humbled and honored that you read up on him. :)

  5. That is so great!!! He is living a miracle! Thank you, Julie, for taking the time to keep us informed. I am so inspired by your words!!!!!

  6. I laughed at the budget thing! Way to go, Thomas!!
    Let me know if I can physically do anything for you. I am praying!


  7. Shut Up!!!! That is AWESOME. God is GREAT:) Am thinking about you soooo much and will continue to keep you, Thomas and your family in my prayers. Luv you!!!


  8. julie,
    chantel just sent me this blog - i have been praying for you, your children, and thomas daily - i am so glad to know what is going on now - i will continue to pray and please know that i love you guys -
    natalie wilks

  9. Julie,
    Steve and I are praying for Tom and your whole family. What a journey you all have been on! I am so happy he is out of ICU. I admire you for your writing about your breaking down. Its hard to keep it together all the time and I think you are entitled to cry " it out" every now and then! Your faith is so strong and God will get ya'll through this. He is so awesome and powerful! We will keep sending prayers your way! Please tell Tom we said hi and were thinking of him!
    Btw, is one of his drs. Dr. Bill Hickerson. Steve said he knows him and he is incredible.
