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Friday, October 29, 2010

Down and Out

We are down... step DOWN ICU, that is!  And, we are also out.... OUT of trauma and on to the burn unit.  I have had very mixed emotions about this for many reasons!  God knows how hard headed I am sooooooooo, he allowed me to process the whole thing for a while, til I was ready (this IS all about me, right?!)  As with everything, HIS timing has been and is perfect.  Thank you God for amazing doctors who invest in their patients and thank you for your own type of  that knows no end! 

Trauma ICU has been our 'home' for 3 weeks minus one day.  The staff there are so dear to us.  Let's face it, they helped my husband fight what seemed like a losing battle ... and win.  I mean seriously, how do you begin to express gratitude or say thank you for that?  There is no Emily Post Etiquette rule, I am sure.  I hated to leave them and they are all in our hearts forever. But, lucky for them... we aren't to far away! :)

We are just about at a point where this big ole wound is going to be our primary focus, I think.   Being in the burn icu, T will get the care of nurses and doctors who know every minuscule detail about skin (or lack thereof in our case!)  I started to like them all the minute they met me at the door.  I kinda think TMullins did to but then again, they were showing him some much needed love with pain control, so his affections could be misplaced.  Mine aren't. 

The room is larger, the floor is quieter, there is a real door AND, I can stay even overnight if wanted/needed.  I think that day is coming....

One other very big thing about this day... Mary-Carter and Reed saw their dad!!!  Precious, sweet, enduring memory... all apply.

My angel-of- -sister- whom-I-am-forever-incredibly-indebted-to; Beth was in on the surprise with me.  She picked up my kids and brought them down for a surprise visit to bed number 3, which at the time was still in TICU.  That staff  I mentioned, that I cant' ever thank or express my love for, made it possible.  In certain cases, like ours, exceptions can be made but its a very serious place, the TICU.  I didnt' take that lightly nor do any of them.  Again... God's timing proved to be impeccable. 

One of my favorite parts of them learning they would finally see Thomas is:  Reed had to share the news... with about half of Dogwood.  As I hear it, he ran from the class he was in back to his homeroom, threw open the doors and shouted, "I get to go see my Dad!"  ... this was repeated to at least one more class!  How precious is it that an almost 10 year old boy knows no limits of joy with this news?  A testament to the type of father Thomas is to both our kids and undoubtedly one of the main reasons he was spared. 

I am sorry I skipped a day or two and gave no updates.  I like to be careful with what I post so that it is real information for you, not just a recount of my life at The Med, which I could do!  Every day there are stories ranging from hilarious to horrific.  I try to choose the former.   

God is so very good. 

Thank you for reading this and for caring about my husband and our family. 

HIOTT!, jcm


  1. What fabulous news, the move out of TICU and, of course, MC and Reed seeing their Dad! So glad to hear all of it! Tears still in my eyes . . .

  2. Ditto! Am just thrilled to tears with you sharing such news with us. So happy for MC & Reed, you and Thomas! Keeping you all in our hearts and minds! Love, Amy

  3. Julie, my name is Robert Barkerding and I work with Tom at EES. My Family and I have been praying for you guys since we heard the news. Please know that we will not stop until Tom is home with you, where he belongs. God hears it when His children pray.

    Proverbs 3: 5-6

  4. Thank you all...
    and Robert, I received the most precious note and package from you. Wow... it was another one of those incredilby humbling moments where I realize the true power and reach of God. A total stranger (to me) gives me such strength and courage through the power of prayer and shared faith. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
