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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Live, from The Med, its Saturday night!

For my debut as "host", I think I will just recount to you my general observations as a 5+ week veteran of The Med....

1. I felt shafted till I saw my first prisoner. And when I fianlly did, I stared.  I shouldn't have, but I did, I couldn't help it. 

2.  If ever in the area, you should totally come have lunch (or breakfast or dinner) at the Med Cafe.  I am tellin' you... it is Thumping'!  All. The. Time!  And, I do not mean mu-sak, either.   I mean the Dazz Band, Rick James, K.C and the Sunshine Band, Kool and the Gang... loud. Plus, serious soul food on the buffet: fried chicken, green beans with bacon, cornbread, beans, and Brussels’ sprouts.  The staff is mostly friendly and all full of personality.     Its just perfect... perfect.

3.  My Christmas card list grew by at least 4 since we started here.  The new additions are the 4 security guards in the Jefferson Street lot.  Conley, Regina, Carrie and Jonathan.  Talk about Angels Unaware.  They watched out for me, asked about my husband, lined me out if I was mopey, even... on a rare occasion, if I wasn't going to be long... would let me 'borrow' one of the reserved spots.  I always felt safe.  They are awesome and represent some of the finest people, not to mention best of The Med.

Carrie... so encouraging and compassionate

Regina.  Beautiful inside and out AND takes no foolishness.  She will line you out in a minute if you need it.  I did. 

Jonathen... sweet and happy and always interested in your 'case'.
Conley... all business but with a huge heart. Always ready and able to solve a problem or help you.

4.  I received compliments for my, and I quote, 'big legs'. Great.  Just what you want to hear.  I mean ...think big picture, I know.  But, seriously, not the time.  Just not the time.  That guy was lucky as I had vats of pent up frustration at that point.  I wish I had felt just a littlebit threatened and I could have commenced to some major self defense! :)

5.   The first night we arrived, once the TICU staff finally got Thomas stabilized (hours) they called me.  They said I could come see him.  It was 3 in the morning.  Mom, Beth and I loaded up and drove down.  I remember uncontrollably shaking and that didn't stop for about 24 - 36 hours.  Later I learned the reason why they let me come (and probably the reason for the shaking).  They never thought he would make it through the weekend.  But, at that time, I did not officially know that.  We visited him and upon leaving, we were 'trapped in the parking lot'.  We tried inputting our ticket.  Didn't work.  We tried pushing all kinds of buttons.  Didn't work.  Finally, sleep deprived and stressed out, I got out of the car and wrestled, with gusto, the gate arm that was preventing our exit.  There was a security car right across the street, head lights on!  I just knew he was having a good laugh at my expense so I wrestled even harder with the gate... staring at that car, daring him to come over there! Nothing.  Finally Beth or Mom noticed a number you were to call if you were 'trapped' like we were. We called.  They were not finished with the sentence, "A guard will be right there...." When, the afore mentioned car LURCHED across the street to our distress spot.  Irritated, I said, "You were just WATCHING ME try to get out of here...why didn’t' you come help!?!?!?!?!?"  One of the largest men I have ever seen in my life popped out of that car like a cork out of champagne.  Dazed and with eyes the size of dinner plates, he said ... "Ah wuz Uhhhhhh-sleep!"

6.  Nate the Great.  A night shift technician that takes vitals and helps out with whatever and whomever needs it.  He is the happiest person I have ever met.  Every word he says is says is laughed more than spoken.  You just can't help but smile when he’s talking to you.  A wonderful bright spot in a place that can get awfully dreary.

7.    I guess one of the most surprising things is the open-ness in which every thing happens.    This is an OLD facility.    And, while they do an amazing job, there just isn’t the infrastructure to allow the privacy that you would expect.    For instance, when a patient is being wheeled from the ER to surgery, they travel out in the hall with everyone else!  (No picture!)   I know this because I experienced it when T went from one place to the other.    I know this because one Saturday night a while back, we witnessed an apparent gunshot victim being wheeled under our noses!

  It’s surreal, I tell you. You cannot believe what you are seeing!     You feel like you are starring in an episode of Grey’s Anatomy… but I’ve yet to see McDreamy.    (Although I do love our doctors… just not in that way)

It is a rich culture here, that’s for sure.     And, I know it was God’s hand that led us here because if it had really been left up to me, I don’t think I would have ever!    I make fun of me, the former “Least likely to end up at The Med” person you have EVER known.    But, here I am and here we’ve been for 35 days.

  I have to add in a bit of levity but in all seriousness…This is the place to be in a crisis, a trauma.


Yes, it has all been surreal.    I am overwhelmed at least once a day by the fact that we ARE here, that this HAS happened and is still.    But, in those daily moments of overwhelmedness… I stop and think about how thankful I am that we did end up here, at The Med.    I say that on this, our SIXTH Saturday night.


Good night everybody!

Cue the music…..


  1. OK, here's your first fundraiser, friend...put all these posts in a book and sell them in the fabulous gift shop down there! These posts have made me laugh, made me cry, made me realize, made me more educated, made me want to be a better wife, mother, Christian, person, etc. You have a gift and be ready because it may be YOU God is trying to use!!! :) Love you!

  2. I loved this post. Beth has been telling me some stories and I want to come people watch sooo bad! I hope Thomas is amused by all you see in the cafeteria, parking lot, and hallways!
    As said before, can't wait to see what God does in all this!


  3. Julie, once again you bring out my emotions!!! You are REALLY good at that! This time though, it was laughter. Good to know that your spirit is alive and kickin!! I will buy the first book.
    Love you,
