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Saturday, November 13, 2010

for granted

Everything.  That's what I took for granted.  Every. Single. Thing. 
I think it was last weekend, I'd left the hospital in search of a Starbucks.  It was a Sunday so it was a safer time for a directionally challenged person, like myself, to navigate the downtown streets.  Everywhere I looked there were couples.  I couldn't help but be sad and a little jealous and realize how much I had taken for granted. 
I am so ready to be able to spend time with my husband outside this dreary hospital room.  We ran together, played tennis, spent all kinds of time with our kids and friends.  One of our greatest joys has been having fun with our children, with Thomas and I rivaling them for who was actually the biggest kid of all!  Something Mary-Carter and Reed, even at the ages they are now, have always loved was for T to 'jump' them on the trampoline (they all 3 get on and Thomas makes them fly sky high!)  Thomas can and would do anything for us.  He did anything the kids needed, he can do anything around the house... if I needed (or wanted) it done, he made it happen.  I took it
all for granted. 
Take a page from my book.  Before something drastic makes you aware....stop to say thanks for the things in life... your husband or wife, going out for a run or game of tennis, playing with your kids, climbing in the attic, walking into a Starbucks for a coffee date.
I believe that God will fully restore Thomas.  I've said that before and I still do claim and believe it.  The two of them, have already moved mountains.  We have had so many praises... T's kidney recovery, the successful grafts, love and support from family and friends, continued progress.  
So, where are we?  We are basically in a waiting game now.  We wait to make sure the graft's original success stays.  We wait to make sure we stay on top of and avoid complications after surgery.  We wait, again, for God's perfect timing to prevail.  We pray that Thomas can be ready to go home by Thanksgiving.  Afterall, we have a lot to be thankful for and to not take for granted... 

1 comment:

  1. Julie, as much as this has "totally SUCKED", this is a gift. Just as I will NEVER look at a healthy baby the same way, you will never forget what is really important. I can't imagine what you have been going through, but the lesson you have been taught, in the long run, makes you the lucky one.
