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Friday, November 5, 2010

I am sorry for another delay! I stay at the hospital most of the time now. Not always at night but sometimes.  I can't update from there! :/

We had hoped for the skin grafts to start.  They still have not.  I have to 'be still and know that HE is God" ... as so many of you have affirmed, HE is the great physician and the timing will be perfect.  I pray over our doctor here, too. He is an excellent physician and I am so thankful to have him.   I trust that he is being guided and influenced via the power of all of our prayers.  I thank you so very much for those prayers.  This whole thing is a 'trickle down' system (or trickle up... )  Through the faith and obedience that you all have, you support me and keep me strong and encouraged... where I can then support and keep T strong.  We are so very thankful for you all.  I give this all over to God for His glory and have faith, know, CLAIM that HE will continue to see Thomas through all of this.  There is a purpose and we anxiously await the day that it is all revealed.  Until then we praise God and rejoice in the stirring of faith that has already occurred. 

We also are so thankful that our children have continued to be peaceful and so well cared for by our family and friends.  What a tremendous blessing.  To see how they have handled this is also to witness another of God's miracles. 

Our prayers are that T will continue to stay protected from any complications.  That surgery will be soon, but also at just the right time.  That the grafting will be very successful with out any setbacks.  That all of our doctors will be rested, protected, and guided by God's might armor and hand.  That we will not miss any reason or purpose for this trial but that we will always know...To God Be the Glory. 

There is so much I'd like to write about but there just isn't the time!  I just want you all to know how grateful we are for your prayers, love and support.  It is so very humbling and not a minute of it is lost.... our hearts are blessed every single day, usually many times over.  Please know that and receive the blessing in it for you. 

HIOTT, jcm

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