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Friday, January 21, 2011

"Forget You"

I can't get this song out of my head! Do you think Gwyneth would be willing to come here and perform it for us and say, oh... I don't know, a certain doctor with bedside manner issues? :)

Is she (Gwyneth) gifted or what? I have always wished I could sing! Her gift, so not mine.

Just for 'kicks', T had an MRI of his knee a few days before Christmas. The results of it were that the ligaments he needs are in tact. (Hence the song dedication....)

What we've really learned though, is everybody has a different opinion on it and we just have to decide for ourselves what we are going to do, not do, try for, accept. We have had to learn not to react to any news, good OR bad. Just take it in stride. There is no 'for sure' so.... it boils down to your God given ability to work hard to change the things you can and accept the things you can't. Thomas Mullins has that drive in abundance, thankfully. If it were me, I can tell you right now, I'd have thrown a crutch at somebody by now.

His healing is still progressing, which is very good. He exercises every day. It exhausts him but he still does it faithfully. His stamina HAS improved so much.

His grafts have just done so well. I've heard the word 'perfect' tossed around. Its certainly nothing I have any frame of reference on at ALL, so to hear that type of reaction is great news. When this all started, I remember thinking grafts would have to be done in stages, then possibly RE-done, etc., etc. So, for one grafting surgery and recovery from that to have been smooth, relatively speaking, we are so happy. You can barely tell now that the donor leg was the donor leg. Shockingly good news... I did NOT know what that leg would look like after that surgery, let me tell you. It was... well, you just don't ever want to have skin grafts if you can help it. Nuff said.

We still have obstacles to overcome. Snow days have been a challenge. I think I wrote before that T and I are the biggest kids in our house. Him having to sit on the sidelines and watch requires him/us to squash down a threat of self pity that likes to rise up. Its a deliberate choice.  If anything, I am always amazed at Thomas' ability to see the glass half full, to be grateful, optimistic, determined. He is so laid back and patient that it is very easy to miss the fact that he is so driven. I missed it til after we were married a while.

Thomas' life has been steeped in ... the word that jumps in my head is "quality". He was raised by the highest quality parents and siblings,just the finest people. He has the highest quality of friends... from every stage of his life! His 'childhood' friends were here (you read about them) others have reached out so much, his extended family and friends from his life in Alabama have been wonderful blessings to us, his work friends rolled out in droves to fill in for him and support him/us, his friends from our life here in Germantown have walked along with us every step of the way, lifted us up, met every conceivable need. And, of course it goes with out saying that he MARRIED into quality! :) hee hee.

Thomas hasn't led a pampered life by any stretch of the imagination. He worked his way through college, juggling multiple jobs and classes. He worked every summer since he was able, saving money all along the way (opposites attract:)) so, its really no surprise that his work ethic is what it is... its just part of him. Its been instilled in him that quality can't and doesn't come from money or things or status or prestige. It comes from the love of good people. He's had it his whole life and he pays it back, he pays it forward. Thomas, in this regard, might be the wealthiest man on Earth.

Thank you for caring about him, our family and for your prayers and support. 

Oh, p.s....
I've got to tell you my favorite part of this video if the very beginning... "Top 40, sweet cheeks"!  I LOVE it.  Thats gonna be my new mantra for this decade of my own life! :) 

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