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Monday, February 14, 2011

One FLU over the cukoo's nest...

Yep, our "hospital" just got a new patient.  Mary-Carter has the flu.  (Seems like last fall I was supposed to have taken them to get shots...hmmmm, think I missed that.)

Anway, she is on the mend but we are sure praying that is stops with her and most certainly that Thomas doesn't get it.  If so... now THAT would be what put me in that nest! 

He had a great report from The Med last week and has now been instructed to focus the majority of his time on physical therapy.  He is still doing really well... it just takes time, time, and more time.  Praise the Lord that we have it!

He is having a lot of trouble with allergies.  We wonder how much of it has to do with the total blood transfusion that he had.  Its all new to him, the reactions, the blood... all new.  Weird. 

Ok... thats about it.  Thanks for caring about Thomas and our family.  We appreciate you more than you know. 

HIOTT.... I think with Easter approaching, HIOTT is more appropriate than ever.

Happy Valentine's Day...
Julie and Thomas

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